Black Shelving Series

Black Series

Black is Elegance

Lshape shelving
(5×5 tier Shelving system)

Boltless Rack SG, Storeroom Rack, Storage Rack, Shelving Bed Rack 5x5-tier-lshape-metal-black-shelving Black Shelving Series
Boltless Rack SG, Storeroom Rack, Storage Rack, Shelving Bed Rack black-shelf-with-storage-boxes Black Shelving Series

Black Shelving

Black Lshape shelving systems
(Coupled with storage boxes) 

Customised Black Shelving

We customise shelving to best fit and maximise the use of your space every time.

Boltless Rack SG, Storeroom Rack, Storage Rack, Shelving Bed Rack customised-4x3-black-lshape-shelving Black Shelving Series

Come send us your floorplan for a quick quote now! Or call 62441512

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